About South City Masters Swimming

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To send an email click on 'view my complete profile' (below) and click on 'email'. South City Masters Swimming swim at the Lloyd Elsemore Swimming pool located on Sir Lloyd Drive in Pakuranga, Auckland. We have 3 sessions per week of 1 hour duration each. Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm, Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm and Sunday morning from 8am to 9am.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Club Night 7th March - Chocolate Fish Relay Challenge

And now for something a little different..............

For club night this coming Wednesday we are having a continuous relay challenge. There is no need to RSVP for this. Anyone who wishes to take part can show up on the night at the usual time of 7pm and we will shuffle you into teams.

So we don't have to do too much of a briefing on the night, here is a quick rundown of how it will work.

It goes like this. Swimmers will be divided into teams as evenly as possible. There will be 2 or 3 races depending on how many swimmers we have taking part. The duration of each race will also be determined by the size of the teams but races are expected to be between 8 minutes and 12 minutes duration.

Swimmers in each team are to swim in rotation (staying in order) and will swim 50m each per rotation. For example, team A is made up of Fred, Bob and Max. Fred swims 50m then Bob then Max and then they go around again and again until told to stop. They must stay in order. When the whistle blows to indicate the end of the allotted time, the swimmer must stop and stay on the spot so the scorer can estimate their metres. The scorer will let the last swimmer know when they can get out.

The team completing the most metres in the allotted time is the winning team of that relay.

Oky doky. That's pretty simple. Hopefully you can swim quite a few lengths and go home feeling shattered.

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