About South City Masters Swimming

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To send an email click on 'view my complete profile' (below) and click on 'email'. South City Masters Swimming swim at the Lloyd Elsemore Swimming pool located on Sir Lloyd Drive in Pakuranga, Auckland. We have 3 sessions per week of 1 hour duration each. Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm, Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm and Sunday morning from 8am to 9am.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


The paparazzi have been following Dawn, Giles and Dan around lately what with articles in MastersCrawl (twice!) and now in the Howick and Pakuranga Times. We were all dismayed to hear the Slam the Dam swim in Lake Mead was canceled but we know they had a great time in Rotovegas. Whenever our swimmers make the news it's time to warm up the scanner and get it up on the blog so if you missed seeing the front page article in the H&P Times here it is in living colour.

(Don't forget the backstroke clinic starts this Monday 4th November, also all the NISC photos are now up on Flickr).

Monday, October 28, 2013

That's a Wrap!!!

Before I forget - the backstroke clinic starts next Monday so if you want to be on it but haven't let me know yet please do so pronto.

North Island Champs Done & Dusted
They were very successful weren't they? Here is why:
  • A very hard working committee who knew what to do, how to do it and quietly and efficiently got it done
  • Counties Manukau officials who mysteriously (or not) turned up and did a truly fabulous job. They don't get paid by the way, they do it because they love it.
  • All you wonderful club members, family members and friends who turned out in force as volunteers: marshaling, timekeeping, registering, cooking and taking care of refreshments, recording, running, announcing, lap counting, photographing (David is still tirelessly working on our behalf uploading photos to our Flickr account while we are resting), providing spot prizes and, of course, cheer leading.
YOU are what made it happen. So from every swimmer who attended - THANK YOU you are AMAZING!

The Good News
This meet was successful in terms of results also. Virtually everyone swum the swims of their lives with many, many PB's being achieved. For the club, as far as NZ records were concerned 2 individual ones were broken and one was equalled (which I'm confident will be recognized), and 3 relay records were broken. Suffice to say there were a lot of smiley faces for all swimmers achieving PB's and records.

Now The Other  News
If you've been enjoying Speedwork Monday's.........sorry folks but it's noses to the grindstone now. Ocean swims are around the corner and for the next month the focus will be on endurance.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Yum Yum's and Up Coming Backstroke Clinic

Food for the North Island Short Course Champs
For the prize giving, to avoid having too much of some things and not enough of others, Fiona's put together this suggested food list. If you can provide any of these, put your name on the list or talk to Fiona.
If you want to make something different, by all means, just add it to the list or let Fiona know.
We’ll add sausages and / or pizzas as numbers and timing dictate.”

Backstroke Clinic
We had breaststroke, we had the freestyle and now it's time for the BACKSTROKE clinic. This will include 4 one hour sessions to be held on Monday's during normal swimming time (7pm to 8pm) and will be taken by yours truly. So if you don't know how to do backstroke other than lie on your back on the water and throw your arms around then this is the clinic for you.

We will be covering: correct body and head position, kick, body rotation, effective catch and arm pull and finish with individual stroke correction.

The dates for the clinic are 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th November - all Mondays.

If you want to attend please email me, for no other reason than to give me an idea of numbers.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Idle Ramblings

I don't remember how it came up but Wednesday night at training Stu mentioned that he remembered milk being 4 cents a bottle. This is when milk came in 1 pint glass bottles, 1 pint being 600 ml, and the bottles had foil on the top. There used to be a great big layer of cream on the top since we didn't get the homogenised variety. I never got any of the cream however, since I would go to the fridge and every single one of the 4 or 5 bottles of milk in there had been opened and a 'mouse' had sucked the cream off already. That mouse being my brother of course.

Anyhow, Denise also remembered milk being 4 cents a pint and her father earning around $6000 a year. This all got me to thinking (always dangerous), do we complain about milk being so expensive now because it really is or is it just inflation in action? The price of milk varies depending where you go but Countdown sells 2L for 3.39. So I did some mental calculations and was left gasping - even taking inflation into account, milk is around 3 times more expensive now than it was in 1975.

But maybe Denise's dad was a CEO earning mega. Time for Dr Google. Please bear in mind that this isn't an academic article - it isn't the time or place, just a thought-provoking 'thingy' on the price of milk so my only reference was www.stats.govt.nz/infoshare (since you asked!). Numbers are averages not medians and no account has been made for that almost certainly there are more women in the workforce today than there were in 1975 which will skew income data. But all that (and more) aside.....

In 1975 the average weekly wage was $95. By the way, Stats NZ says that $95 in 1975 equates to around $850 in 2012. Let's call $95, $2.88 per hour, just for the sake of argument.

In 2012 that average weekly wage was $860 (roughly). Let's call $860, $21.50 per hour. It doesn't matter if it's before or after tax since we are treating both 1975 and 2012 the same.  Accountants may disagree with me on that, I'm not an accountant as you know.

How much milk could we get for our money? In 1975, $2.88 would have bought us 43L of milk. In other words you could buy 43L of milk for every 1 hour worked. Sounds pretty good. In 2012 $21.50 buys around 13L of milk, so 13L for every hour worked. Turns out my mental arithmetic wasn't far off the mark. Milk is roughly 3 to 3.5 times more expensive than it was 40 years ago.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Race Night Results Out

Wednesday was the last race night before the North Island champs. There were 19 swimmers and from these swimmers 17 new records were set, nearly 1 record for every swimmer in attendance. Records were from 9 men's races, 5 women's races and 3 in the relays. There were some very good times posted so it seems that the preparation for the North Island Championships is on track.

The wooden spoon wasn't presented so somebody hurry up and do something stupid! Swimmer of the Month was John Grigg. This came as no surprise. John has been a member of our club for only a short time but he has made jaw dropping progress and is always smiling. Keep it up John

Finally, please get your entry in for the North Island Champs. Barry has to process the entries and it would be helpful to him if they didn't all rush in at the last minute.