About South City Masters Swimming

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To send an email click on 'view my complete profile' (below) and click on 'email'. South City Masters Swimming swim at the Lloyd Elsemore Swimming pool located on Sir Lloyd Drive in Pakuranga, Auckland. We have 3 sessions per week of 1 hour duration each. Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm, Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm and Sunday morning from 8am to 9am.

Friday, July 5, 2013

July Race Results

Results from Wednesday's races have been posted. Numbers were a little down on usual, probably owing to rather less than clement weather (is clement the opposite of inclement, I don't know, maybe I made that up). The 16 swimmers and the extra people who kindly helped with timekeeping etc enjoyed themselves though and some good times were posted.

In all, 13 records were set - 6 for the men, 5 for the women and 2 for relays and that's quite exceptional for just 16 swimmers.

As per usual a light supper was then enjoyed. Tony was the lucky recipient of the wooden spoon - most notably for having forgotten it was wooden spoon night (doh!).