About South City Masters Swimming

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To send an email click on 'view my complete profile' (below) and click on 'email'. South City Masters Swimming swim at the Lloyd Elsemore Swimming pool located on Sir Lloyd Drive in Pakuranga, Auckland. We have 3 sessions per week of 1 hour duration each. Monday evening from 7pm to 8pm, Wednesday evening from 7pm to 8pm and Sunday morning from 8am to 9am.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where's Arthur? - Message from Martha

Martha has sent me a message and asked me to pass it on to you all:

Hello to everyone. I try to keep very much to myself but it has got back to me that people have been asking what has happened to my darling son Arthur. Well he was offered a position as a lifeguard at a swimming pool in Osaka, Japan. The job is difficult as the pool is very crowded, as you can see from the photo. He tells me he is happy but I can't tell from the photograph as my eyesight is failing. Can you find him in the photo for me?

Thanks Martha, it's good to know that Arthur is OK. Club members, remember, if you want to receive instant notifications of new postings by email, scroll to the bottom of the postings on the home page and where it says 'follow by email' pop your email address in and click on the submit button.


  1. It is not Arthur I am concerned about, Pat was last seen heading in the direction of the Spa-pool. He was muttering about trying to find somebody to teach him cantonese. I guess from the picture he found a few friends.

  2. Pat will have plenty of pupils for his new swim school seeing as they all seem to need some kind of floatie. Lots of money to be made here!
